Design | STEAMD Marketplace

Building Creative Confidence

Everyone is creative, but sometimes we can not feel confident in our abilities to be creative. 


How can we build that creative confidence? What can we do each day to believe in our creative abilities more and more each day?


In his Ted Talk “How to build your creative confidence” David Kelley, founder of the global design and innovation company IDEO, shares his insights on ways to build the confidence to create and recognize that being creative is not just for the select few. While you watch the video try answering these questions in your notebook: 


  1. What is creative confidence?
  2. Do you feel like you are creative? Why or why not?
  3. What can you do to help build your creative confidence?


When you finish the video you can share your answers in the form below or share a video response with the team by using the hashtag #SDG4



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