Maths | STEAMD Marketplace

Measuring Climate Change

Climate change is something we hear about a lot, but how do we measure it?


Scientists are very clever and they are using different tools and as well as looking at different areas to measure how data, or number information, has changed over time to see if the Earth is getting warmer and in what specific ways.


Watch the video to learn from different scientists how they measure the affects of climate change. While you watch the video think of where you live and your community. What would be data you could collect to measure the impacts of climate change over time? Maybe you could measure rainfall levels? Maybe you look at the temperature outside each day. Use the video as inspiration!


Let’s try it out! 

How can you measure climate change in your community? Take out a piece of paper or your notebook and brainstorm a few ideas. As stated earlier, you can look at rainfall or the weather to see if things change over time. Maybe you can look at the local river to see if water levels have changed over the years or if the weather has affected animals. You decide! Once you have an idea, see how far you can research and how many years back you can look at the data.


Let iamtheCODE know how you will collect data in your community around climate change. Share your idea with iamtheCODE by tagging iamtheCODE on social media using the hashtag #SDG4