Mind | Wellbeing

Be Creative: Doodling

You may think you need lots of equipment to create something new but all you really need is your imagination and some time.

By taking time to slow your thoughts and concentrate on making something just for fun, it can help you to stay calm.


Doodling is really easy and so much fun. Even if you think you can’t draw, you can definitely doodle…..everyone can. All you need is some paper and a pen or pencil.

You could start with a blank page and just draw lines and shapes and just let your imagination run wild. Alternatively, you could start with a shape and use that as the basis of your doodle.


We started with the letter K. Maybe you could use your initials or even just a circle or square.




Then we sectioned it off with straight  lines and let our imagination do the rest. You can finish there………….




….OR, you can keep on going.  Add a border or fill the whole page. See what difference adding some shading can make………..




……OR add some colour.




The best thing about doodling, is you can’t get it wrong!!


How are you sparking your creativity with doodling? Share your doodle with us by tagging iamtheCODE on social media.